Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grow Arugula

Arugula, known as roquette, rugola or Italian cress, is an annual herb of the mustard family from the Mediterranean. Used for salads, this aromatic herb has a nutty or peppery flavor. Pick the smaller young leaves, as the older ones are tougher and can be bitter. Arugula grows to 3 feet high.


Growing Outdoors

1. Start from seed in winter or spring. Arugula will reseed itself, but you can collect seeds for future plantings. Deadhead if you don't want volunteer plants to come up next year.

2. Locate arugula in a sunny location in the garden. It will tolerate partial sunlight.

3. Sow seeds directly in the ground 1/8 inch deep and approximately 1 inch apart. Do not thin.

4. Water regularly and frequently, but don't overwater.

5. Sow every 20 to 30 days from early spring to fall for additional crops.

Indoor Propagation

6. Start seeds inside by growing in tray or cheesecloth. Moisten the growing medium and spread seed sparsely. Seed can be covered or not.

7. Place in low light at room temperature.

8. Keep the growing medium moist by misting every day or two.

9. When plants shed their hulls, move them to the light.

10. Put transplants in every 4 weeks in spring and every 3 weeks during the summer.

Tags: every weeks, growing medium