Friday, April 9, 2010

Cook On A Beach

There is nothing better than a relaxing day at the beach: the sun, the water, the sand. Everything about it makes a day at the beach something to look forward to. On your next trip, though, why not make it a little more exciting? Instead of bringing a prepared meal for a beach picnic, you can cook right on the beach.



1. Prepare food at home before getting to the beach. The most common beach foods are hot dogs and hamburgers. The hot dogs will not need any preparation, but you can make the hamburger patties at home.

2. Pack everything into a sturdy cooler, making sure the heaviest foods are on the bottom. Add everything that needs to stay cool-meat, drinks and any side dishes that you may be bringing.

3. Add ice to the cooler. It will melt throughout the day, so make sure all the food you plan to cook is sealed tightly.


4. Stake out a secluded area when you get to the beach. Make sure there is at least some shade. If the beach you have chosen has no trees, bring a large umbrella.

5. Add charcoal to the grill and start the fire. If you brought a gas grill, add the gas bottle and warm up the surface.

6. Cook the hot dogs 3 to 5 minutes and hamburgers for 3 to 5 minutes per side or until they are done completely.

7. Set the paper plates, silverware and napkins on the table. Then put the food on the table-never on the ground-and enjoy!

Clean Up

8. Wait until the ashes cool or pour water on the coals to speed up the process if your grill is charcoal. When the ash has cooled completely, you may dispose of it in a dumpster, after wrapping it in foil. If you brought a gas grill, wait until the surface is cool and remove the gas bottle.

9. Put all the food you cooked in the containers and repack in the cooler.

10. Throw away all trash and clean up any other messes you made. Leave the beach as clean as it was before you cooked on it.

Tags: brought grill