Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Make A Vinyl Chain Link Fence Look Better

Colored vinyl slats cover the links and provide privacy.

Chain link fences keep intruders out of your yard and keep pets and children confined. However, chain fences are not known for their beauty and most homeowners prefer to camouflage the fence. Chain link fences do have many advantages over other fences. The maintenance is minimal compared to wood and it stands up to weather and high winds. With a few changes your fence will become an attractive feature to your home.


1. Remove a few original vinyl slats and replace with slats to match the house trim to create a colored pattern on the fence. Count six diagonal slats on the fence and remove the first slat and the last slat. Replace these slats with a color to complement the house. Create a diamond shape by weaving inserted slats diagonally in the opposite directions using the same count of slats for placement. Slats come in many various colors at home improvement centers.

2. Plant climbing vines at the base of the fence. Honeysuckle and Heavenly Blue are two of many climbers and can be weaved between the links. Guide the vines as they grow by attaching the vines to the links with cloth or yarn ties. Depending on the climber that you purchase, spacing for planting can be 6 inches to several feet apart. Honeysuckle and Hydrangea attract hummingbirds and butterflies to their flowers. Follow the planting guide for the vine that you purchase.

3. Insert hanging flower pot poles into the ground next to the fence and hang potted flowers from the poles. Flowers baskets can be purchased at garden centers with mature flowers already placed in the baskets.