Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Cure For Candidal Onchomycosis Fungi

A Cure for Candidal Onchomycosis Fungi

Candidal onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the nails, splits nails (especially toenails) and separates them from the skin. Podiatrists offer several modes of treatment, but do-it-yourself treatments are available if you have poor insurance coverage, are concerned about the high cost to solve a minor ailment or fear the side effects of Lamisil, which usually is prescribed to treat this fungus. Anecdotal evidence supports do-it-yourself approaches, and the more such remedies you try, the more likely you are to beat the infection.


Vinegar is a recommended solution for soaking the affected area--approximately 15 minutes a day. Anecdotal evidence supports use of both apple cider and white vinegar. After drying the area, you can apply Vicks VapoRub, which also has antifungal qualities.

If you apply Vicks or tea tree oil (another popular antidote) to all of your nails, as a preventive measure, be sure to apply it to the infected nail last--the applicator should not be contaminated before coming into contact with healthy nails.

Apply any antifungal you use to the underside of the nail, not just on the top of the nail, to encase the fungus as well as possible.


Wash socks within a day after wearing them, if the feet are the affected area. The point is to avoid fungus growing in the socks enough to be recalcitrant when washed. Use the hottest settings on the dryer and washer for sock washing.

Biotic Balance

Reset the biotic balance in your system by ingesting one to two servings of yogurt per day. Additionally, drink 8 oz. of buttermilk or kefir each day. These provide good bacteria and change the flora in your body by outcompeting the candida. Look for a yogurt with a L. acidophilus concentration of 100 million colony-forming units (10^8 CFU) per milliliter.


Continue with the above for a few weeks after the fungal infection is gone as a precaution, because it comes back easily. Due to the intransigent nature of nail fungus, you should appreciate the dedication needed before you embark on the above do-it-yourself protocol. Slacking off a week or two can allow the fungus to grow back. You must apply the treatment daily to completion, even when it comes to eating yogurt or buttermilk. The period of dedication to the routine can mean two to six months of consistent treatment.

If All Else Fails

See a podiatrist or dermatologist if the above does not elicit improvement within a month or so. Specialists have many standard antifungal remedies to help you.