Monday, October 7, 2013

What Are Pumpkin Seeds Good For

Use fresh pumpkin seeds in a vareity of dishes.

After carving your pumpkins, do not let the seeds go to waste, as pumpkins seeds have many uses. Also known as pepitas, these tasty seeds are loaded with fiber and protein. Pumpkin seeds hold flavors well, and sweet or spicy seasonings can be added. Store extra pumpkin seeds in a freezer for use in cooking throughout the year.


Toast pumpkin seeds for a few minutes in a skillet to bring out their nutty flavor. During the toasting process, add different seasonings like Cajun spices or plain black pepper. Sprinkle fresh pumpkin seeds on top of salads made with arugula or spinach. Toss toasted pepitas on top of soups and stews for added nutrition. Put pumpkin seeds in a food processor for a quick chop before tossing them onto your favorite meals.


Make candied pumpkin seeds with some sugar or honey. Sweeten the seeds by placing them in a skillet with sugar or bake them with honey. Candied seeds are good additions to ice cream or other desserts. Snack on these candied seeds by themselves for a sweet treat.

Roasted Snacks

After a cold-water immersion, pumpkin seeds are ready for roasting. Remove all stringy pulp before you roast the seeds. Slow roasting them for about half an hour with salt and oil is an easy method. Roasted pumpkin seeds can be eaten whole--there is no need for shelling. When the roasting is finished, pour some pumpkin seeds into decorative glass jars with lids. Give them as seasonal gifts to friends and family. Set some out for kids to snack on, as well.

Pumpkin Garden

Plant your seeds for a new crop of pumpkins. Pumpkin seeds should be planted when the temperatures are in the low 70s. Plant the seeds where they will receive at least six hours of sunlight and be protected from frost. If you wish, start your pumpkin seeds in cups or planters to get seedlings going first. Pumpkin seeds grow well in containers as long as they have a stake for the vines. Growing pumpkin seedlings is a good activity for schoolchildren. Teachers can use the big seeds to demonstrate the growing process.


Kids can make crafts, like mosaic pictures, with pumpkin seeds. Wash and dry fresh pumpkin seeds before allowing kids to create with them. Distribute construction paper, seeds and white school glue to the children. Children should draw shapes on the paper then fill in the shape with the pumpkin seeds.

Tags: pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds, fresh pumpkin, fresh pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds