Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pick A Good Scotch

One of the world's finest liquors, imported from Scotland, is Scotch. But if you have never been a fan or have never had the opportunity to try it, then there are a few simple things you can do to pick a good Scotch. Read on to learn pick a good Scotch.


1. Decide if you prefer the more mellow, and less expensive, taste of a blended Scotch or the more distinct flavor and the snob appeal that comes from being a single malt drinker. A single malt scotch is more appropriate to give as a gift, especially for a true Scotch drinker.

2. Learn the geography of Scotland. There are four distinct regions of Scotland that distill Scotch and each region has a very distinct characteristic: Highlands, Lowlands, Speyside and Islay. The highlands are known for a slight sweetness, the lowlands for the most mellow flavor, the Speyside Scotch whiskies for their complex flavors and the Isley variety for the intense smoky flavors.

3. Classify single malt Scotch into two categories: peated or less peated. This is the smoky flavor that accompanies almost all scotches from the Isley area and some Scotches from the other areas. If you are just starting out as a Scotch drinker you may prefer to start with less peated variety. Any good liquor store owner can help you distinguish between the two.

4. Choose an age for your beverage. Scotch which has aged longer will be smoother going down, but there are plenty of good 12-year Scotches that won't break the bank. A bottle of Scotch that does not clearly label the age on the label, is probably not worth drinking.

5. Spend your money wisely. Although a good Scotch will be a bit pricey, there is no reason to buy the most expensive bottle in the store.

Tags: single malt, good Scotch, have never, less peated, pick good, pick good Scotch, Scotch drinker