Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make A Nonalcoholic Melon Margarita

Make a non-alcoholic melon Margarita for you and your friends to enjoy any time. Although the Margarita and its virgin cousin are popular summertime drinks, their smooth texture combined with fruity goodness are welcome any time of the year.


1. Prepare a muskmelon or cantaloupe by removing the rind, cleaning out the seed cavity and chopping the fruit into 1-inch cubes.

2. Slice the lime to round pieces. Set these pieces aside for later use as a garnish.

3. Prepare the blender for use. Dump 4 cups of cubed melon and 4 cups of ice into the machine and grind until the fruit and ice as coarsely mixed together.

4. Add 1/2 teaspoon each of lime juice, salt and sugar. Give the mixture a good blast from the blender after you add each ingredient.

5. Use the finer settings on the blender to achieve a slushy easy-to-pour consistency. Pour the non-alcoholic melon margarita mix into chilled mugs.

6. Garnish the mugs with the lime rounds that you made and saved earlier. Serve immediately, and enjoy.

Tags: non-alcoholic melon