Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grow Curry Leaves In A Sun Room

Grow curry leaves in your sunroom.

Curry leaves grow on a curry plants or Murraya koenigii, which are South Asian natives. In its native environment the curry tree grows to heights of 12 feet with an equal branch spread at maturity. Curry plants have a slow growth rate and grow well in pots making them ideal for indoor growers who live in cooler climates. If you have a sunroom, a curry plant will appreciate its warmth during the fall, winter and spring, just as long as you allow it to bask outdoors in summer.


1. Fill a 4-inch planting pot with damp organic potting soil. Press three to four curry plant seeds into the soil at a 1/4-inch depth.

2. Cover the pot with a piece of plastic wrap. Secure the plastic wrap to the pot using a rubber band.

3. Place the pot in an area of your sunroom that receives at least eight hours of bright, indirect sunlight. Set the pot on a heating pad set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Lift the plastic wrap every few days to check for moist soil. Spritz the soil with water from a spray bottle to keep it moist, if necessary. Continue the process of providing bright, indirect sunlight, heat and moisture within your sunroom until the seeds germinate, which should take approximately two to three weeks.

5. Remove the plastic wrap as soon as the seeds begin to sprout. Continue to keep the soil moist and warm as the curry plant seedlings grow. Maintain the same amount of bright sunlight within your sunroom as the seedlings grow.

6. Pluck-out the weakest curry plant seedlings and discard once they develop their second set of true leaves. Leave only the healthiest looking seedling to grow in the pot, offering the same light, heat and moisture provisions as before.

7. Allow the curry plant to continue growing in your sunroom for the first year. In the summer of the second year, begin to bring the curry plant outdoors to bask in the warm sunlight. Set the pot out on your deck or patio and continue to keep the soil moist.

8. Bring the curry plant back into your sunroom when the summer temperatures begin to dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Return the curry plant to its bright location and place it on top of its heating pad set to the constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Move the curry plant back outdoors each summer.

Tags: curry plant, your sunroom, plastic wrap, degrees Fahrenheit, bright indirect