Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bite On Popcorn Kernels With A Bruised Gum

Popcorn, the quintessential movie snack, can be very painful to eat.

Dental health issues can be very difficult to deal with and can adversely impact your ability to perform normal tasks (eating, drinking, talking, etc.). It is important that you treat an injured mouth gently during the healing process, so that you don't cause further injury. Some foods can be hard on your teeth in general, and can be extra difficult to eat when you've suffered an injury, such as broken teeth, bruised gums and lacerated tissue.


1. Pop your popcorn kernels in a steam popper, microwave popper or on the stove top. If you do not have a steam popper or a microwave popper, you can pop corn on the stove top using a pot with a fitted lid. Pour the desired amount of popcorn kernels in the bottom of a large pot and pour enough oil into the pot to coat the kernels completely.

2. Cover the pot and cook the kernels over medium-high heat until all of the kernels have popped or until three seconds have lapsed between pops. Remove the pot from the heating element and add salt, butter and any herbs you would like to use. Re-cover the pot and shake it to evenly coat the popcorn. If your pot doesn't have heat-proof handles you will want to wear oven mitts.

3. Eat the popcorn slowly and allow it to dissolve in your mouth before you bite down on it. Eating the popcorn in this manner will allow the popped kernels to soften enough that they will not irritate your bruised gums. Avoid eating unpopped kernels of popcorn or you will experience additional pain. Chew the popcorn with the unaffected side of your jaw and crush the popped corn against the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

Tags: bruised gums, microwave popper, popcorn kernels, popper microwave, popper microwave popper, steam popper, steam popper microwave