Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Run A Donut Shop

Donuts are a an American breakfast trend that seems to be popular no matter where you are. While it would seem that owning and operating a donut shop would be an easy way to make a financial killing, it’s quite the contrary. In order to have a successful donut shop, you have to focus on several key concepts. Whether you’re opening up an independent donut shop or buying a franchise, how you run your donut shop will make or break your business.


Run a Donut Shop

1. Hire a staff of great people. While quality donuts will certainly draw in a crowd of customers, bad customer service is likely to cause those new customers to never come back again. Make sure you hire customer-service oriented employees. In order to keep employees motivated, set up reward programs or incentives. This will keep your employees happy and in the long run, boost your revenue.

2. Enforce deadlines. A donut shop’s busiest time is in the early morning hours. During this time donuts are being prepared or delivered. If donuts aren’t prepared or delivered on time this will cost you business. In addition, disappointed customers don’t return and certainly won’t recommend your donut shop to others. Make a set schedule of deadlines and adhere to them.

3. Focus on freshness. One of the things that many establishments fail to focus on is freshness. During peak hours, most items are fresh because they’re constantly being purchased. However, doing non-peak hours many items are less then stellar in terms of freshness. Try to keep products fresh at all times. This includes donuts and especially coffee.

4. Make excellent customer service a priority. Many individuals may be hesitant to visit an establishment again if he or she feels the customer service is poor. Greeting customers with a smile and being enthusiastic will brighten just about anyone’s day. Since many people buy donuts and coffee first thing in the morning, a friendly face is likely to make the difference in how their day starts.

5. Give discounts. Reward frequent customers with discounts. For example, if they buy three dozen donuts, give them a coupon for a free coffee. This will keep customers coming back to your establishment and in the long run it will help you earn more money. After all, if someone gets a free coffee they’re more than likely going to purchase a couple of donuts to go with it. Good luck!

Tags: customer service, donut shop, customers with, donut shop, free coffee, prepared delivered, This will