Monday, May 24, 2010

Make A Recipe Calendar

A recipe calendar is a good way to share your seasonal recipes with friends and family. It is an especially appropriate gift at Christmas time when many people are looking for a calendar for the coming new year. You can use any of your favorite recipes, whether they are your own or off the back of a box. This calendar will be tailored to your specific tastes and preferences. Follow these steps.


1. Type your recipes into a word processing document on your computer. Many of these programs even have recipe templates that you can use.

2. Add pictures to your recipe documents, if desired.

3. Print out the recipes, one per sheet, so that the recipe and picture will be able to fit onto the calendar page.

4. Open the calendar to the first month and cover the picture by gluing sheets of plain white poster board cut to size over it.

5. Refer to the calendar outline for the current or following year, and use Wite-Out or Liquid Paper to change the dates on the calendar to properly align with the new year. For instance, you will need to change the dates on the days of the week, by blanking the date out with the Liquid Paper and replacing it with the correct date by writing it in with the permanent marker. See Tips below for more ideas.

6. Use the glue to attach one recipe, and picture if desired, over the poster board on each calendar page. You will have a 12-month calendar with a recipe for each month, and your recipe picture if you decided to use one. See the Tips section for more information.

Tags: recipe picture, calendar page, change dates, Liquid Paper, poster board, your recipe