Monday, May 3, 2010

Advice On Buy A Wine Refrigerator

Haier HVT12ABS

Not a lot of us are going out to pick up high-end wines from our local merchant every day. But you do want to be sure that special bottle receives the best of care until you pull the cork. If you are economizing on your wine purchases you need to realize that the low-end wines can be vastly improved with adequate storage. Laying that $7 bottle of wine down in the fridge is not the best way to keep it or prepare. A household refrigerator does not provide the right environment for even inexpensive wine.

What Do Wines Need?

Wines of all kinds need around 70 percent humidity, a level that is guaranteed to start strange things growing on that partially covered left-over pasta. Also your refrigerator generally runs at a temperature much too low for wines. Most red wines should be stored in the 50- to 55-degree range, with the exception of very heavy reds like Bordeaux and Cabernets that can live quite nicely in a pantry on their sides. White wines do very well in the lower range for reds and should never be cooled to a temperature below 45 degrees. All of these requirements can be met in an inexpensive wine storage unit that will greatly enhance your wine experience and open your taste buds to shelf bargains that may require just a bit of chill and tender care.

How Big Should Your Wine Refrigerator Be?

Now go dig your favorite bottle of vino out from under that pizza box, pour yourself a glass and let's talk about pick out a wine storage unit that won't break the bank and help make some of those inexpensive wines that you've been buying even better.

The first thing to consider is how much wine you intend to store. You don't want bottles piling up on the one hand, nor does a unit so large that it is wasting energy the goal. The best size for even a moderate wine drinker, one who may host the occasional party, is a case-size unit. Aside from being sufficient for your needs, this will also allow you to take advantage of mixed-case prices that you find so often at wine merchants now. A good rule of thumb is to buy a model twice the size of the amount of wine you store.

How Much Should You Pay?

The next question is price. Units advertised as beverage coolers or mini-refrigerators are cheap, but for a few dollars more you can find a quality unit. You can find an excellent-quality 12-bottle model online from a retailer for less than $200, maybe even under $100. Do not reach for your credit card yet. Because wine refrigerators work a bit more heavily than a standard refrigerator and are smaller in size there is a sound issue with them. You might want to visit a couple of stores and ask if display models can be plugged in for a few minutes. Ratings on websites often include comments from purchasers, but tolerance for noise varies from person to person. Trust your ears as you trust your taste buds.

Wine and Energy Efficiency

To increase energy efficiency avoid a unit with a plastic interior; aluminum is a much better choice. It is a more efficient conductor and easier to clean. Spiffy glass doors will show off your collection but do nothing to help energy efficiency. That glass door, unless you are careful with where you place your wine refrigerator, can let sunlight in, and unfiltered light can kill a bottle of wine almost as fast as temperature swings.

The Shakes Will Kill Your Wines

The next consideration should be the racks inside. When storing wine in a unit you need to be aware of the vibration when it starts and stops. Wine refrigerators tend to shake when they turn on and off and vibration is another killer of wines. Wood is the best choice for racks since it dampens those shakes best. Second up would be racks covered in vinyl. Try to avoid bare metal racks, usually found in only the cheapest units, but if budget is the main issue you can always pick up some towels with which to cushion your bottles.

Wine collecting can be just as much fun as wine drinking. Use the guidelines you have herein and purchase a wine refrigerator that will add another level of enjoyment to a fascinating hobby.

Tags: bottle wine, inexpensive wine, much wine, storage unit, storage unit that, taste buds, that will