Monday, October 8, 2012

Steam Milk

Adding steamed milk to your coffee is like adding whipped cream to ice cream. Steamed milk, quite simply, tastes better and sweeter than milk heated by any other method. It's a perfect companion to your morning coffee, off-setting the bitterness of a strong cup of joe. The great thing about steamed milk is that it can be transformed into froth and foam. Follow these steps to steam milk.


1. Put a medium-sized stainless steel pitcher in the refrigerator until it's cold to the touch.

2. Make sure your skim milk is as cold as possible. The colder the milk, the better your results from steaming.

3. Fill your pitcher half way with skim milk. You must leave plenty of room for the milk to foam.

4. Attach a frothing thermometer to your pitcher. Steamed milk ideally is 145 to 170 degrees F.

5. Place your pitcher under the steam wand, making sure the wand's tip touches the bottom of the pitcher.

6. Turn your power on and slowly move the pitcher so the wand tip is 1/4 to 1/2 inch beneath the milk's surface. Keep the wand just under the milk's surface until you've reached your desired result.

Tags: your pitcher, milk surface, skim milk