Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Roast Red Potatoes With Olive Oil & Garlic

Roasting brings out the flavor of new red potatoes. Combining the potatoes with garlic and olive oil provides a richness to the potatoes that they can't achieve on their own. The red skin on the potatoes makes them attractive on the plate. Both new red potatoes and full-size varieties roast well. Though roasted potatoes take some time to cook, the preparation is short. Once they are in the oven, you can work on the rest of the meal.


1. Wash the potatoes under cool running water. Scrub any soil from the potato skins with a vegetable brush. Red potatoes have thin skins, so do not scrub so hard that you remove the skin.

2. Place a potato on a cutting board. Cut it into quarters with a chef's knife. Cut the remaining potatoes into quarters.

3. Set a garlic clove on the cutting board. Lay the flat end of the chef's knife blade on top of the clove. Press down on the top of the knife firmly, partially crushing the clove. Remove the knife and slip the papery skin off the clove. Repeat for the remaining cloves. Mince the cloves or leave them whole, depending on your preference.

4. Put the potatoes and garlic in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle 3 tbsp. of olive oil over the potatoes. Mix thoroughly so all the potatoes are evenly coated in the oil.

5. Spread the potatoes out in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle ¼ tsp. of salt over the top of the potatoes.

6. Roast the potatoes in a 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven for 45 minutes. Poke a potato with a skewer to ensure it's soft and cooked through. If it isn't thoroughly cooked, roast in five to 10 minute increments until the potatoes are tender.

Tags: chef knife, cutting board, into quarters, over potatoes