Thursday, April 25, 2013

Make Cheese From Raw Milk

Raw milk, if you can find it, can make the most wonderful homemade cheeses. With practice you can make everything from simple cheese spreads to exotic foreign treats. Unless you know, with absolute certainty, that the milk came from a certified disease free cow, you should pasteurize the milk first.


1. Allow the milk to sit on a tabletop or counter until it reaches room temperature. Skim off the cream that rises to the top if desired.

2. Pour the milk into the stainless steel pan. Attach the candy thermometer to the side making sure it is submerged several inches into the milk.

3. Bring the milk temperature up to 190 degrees, stirring often. Add the apple cider vinegar stirring well.

4. Remove the pot from the heat source, cover and let sit for 10 - 15 minutes or until the curds separate from the whey.

5. Pour the curds into a colander lined with cheesecloth. Let drain for 5 minutes. Tie the four corners together and hang the bag for 1 – 2 hours.

6. Remove the cheese from the bag and place in a container that can be covered. Add a pinch of salt if desired.

7. Store covered in the refrigerator. The cheese will keep for approximately 1 1/2 weeks.
