Monday, June 25, 2012

Brew A Pot Of Tea

If you don't like tea, perhaps it's because you've only been treated to lukewarm water and a bag of Lipton's. But a proper pot of tea is something to savor - especially when you're feeling parched.


1. Fill a kettle with fresh, cold water, adding enough to make the desired amount of tea, plus some extra to allow for evaporation and to prewarm the teapot.

2. Wait until the water is near boiling, then pour a little into the teapot and swirl it around. This warms the pot so that it is at an optimum temperature for holding the tea. Empty the pot.

3. For each cup of tea, place 1 rounded teaspoon of leaves into the warmed pot. (If your pot has a strainer basket, use that.)

4. Allow the water in the kettle to reach a brisk, rolling boil.

5. Pour the water from the teakettle onto the leaves in the teapot.

6. Let the tea steep for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the size of the leaves. Allow a longer steeping time for larger leaves than for fine leaves.

7. Stir just before serving, then strain the tea into cups. Depending on the tea, you might add sugar, milk, honey or lemon. (Or a combination, but don't use lemon and milk together.)

8. Keep the pot covered with a cozy to keep the tea warm, and enjoy.
