Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Make Coconut Melts

Are you looking for a nice summer snack that you can make and keep in a zip-lock back for easy snacking? Well, then you definitely should try a coconut melt.


Make Coconut Melts

1. Find a nice flat cookie sheet to cook your coconut melts on. Many recipes advise you not to worry about greasing the cookie sheet although it is recommended that you do. Any time you cook coconut long enough to toast, it will result in the coconut sticking to an un-greased cookie sheet.

2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and start to combine the ingredients that will make the coconut stick together. This includes the butter and sugar. You should mix these together with a mixer. After they start to blend, you can add both the egg and the sunflower oil to your wet mixture. This wet mixture is what is going to serve as the bonding agent for your coconut melts.

3. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix the dry ingredients first to get a good mixture of ingredients before they start sticking to the bonding agent made up of your butter and egg mixture.

4. Slowly fold the dry mixture into the web bonding agent. This will allow you to mix the ingredients without crushing all of the oats and crisped rice. Continue to fold slowly until the dry ingredients are coated nicely with the egg and butter mixture.

5. Use a spoon to drop these coconut melts onto the baking sheet. If you want bite size treats you might want to try tablespoon size balls.

6. Cook your coconut melts for 15 minutes in the oven. This will give them a nice brown and toasted outside layer while being soft and chewy on the inside.

7. Let your coconut melts cool for 10 minutes and serve, or bag for future snacking.

Tags: your coconut, your coconut melts, bonding agent, coconut melts, cookie sheet, butter mixture, Make Coconut