Thursday, October 27, 2011

Different Kinds Of Muffins

Sweet muffins are a tasty afternoon snack

Muffins can be both sweet and savoury depending on the type of ingredients used. There are two main kinds of muffins, the flat, round English muffins and cupcake-shaped American muffins, both of which are popular in North America, the UK and other parts of northern Europe. Both are versatile snacks which can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or a snack depending on which type you use.

English/ Breakfast Muffin

English muffins, also known as breakfast muffins in the USA, are a type of yeast-risen bread most commonly dusted off with corn meal. They are round and flat and are sliced through the middle and toasted before eating. They are predominantly eaten as a savoury snack at breakfast time, topped with butter, bacon or eggs. They are also commonly by English people for afternoon tea and made sweet by adding a fruit jelly accompanied by a cup of tea.

Fruit-filled American Muffins

Fruit muffins are a type of cake, made with eggs and baking powder (to make them rise instead of using yeast) with pieces of fruit added. These muffins are held in cupcake cases whereby the cake mixture rises above the top of them into the shape of a semi-circle called the "muffin top". Typical fruits added are bananas, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. They are popular choice for breakfast.

Sweet American Muffins

Sweet muffins are made in the same way as fruit muffins but instead are flavoured with chocolate chips, white chocolate, marshmallows and any other candy you can hope for. Often served in coffee shops and bakeries, these muffins are great option if you have a sweet tooth and are looking for a snack to accompany your hot beverage.

Savoury American Muffins

Savoury muffins look just like fruit and sweet muffins but instead of containing sugar, they are salty instead. This makes them a perfect snack at lunchtime or in the afternoon. Savoury muffins might be made with grated cheddar cheese, wholemeal flower, pieces of smoked ham, vegetables or herbs like oregano and basil. Savoury muffins are a great alternative to a bread roll, served with soup, salad or a pasta dish.

Tags: American Muffins, Savoury muffins, English muffins, made with, muffins great, muffins instead