Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Store White Wine

When you buy wine, you want it to last. The best way to store wine differs with white and red. Storing techniques also are different when the wine is opened and unopened. If you are a white wine drinker, read on to learn the best way to store your white wine to make it last long and taste the best.


1. Set the wine in a cool place away from direct sunlight and unaffected by vibrations (such as an often-used blender on a counter) once you bring it home. When you will not be using it for more then a couple of weeks, set it on its side to keep the cork moist and seals in the air.

2. Refrigerate the wine to chill it when you're getting ready to drink it. Chill it for at least two hours, unless you have a product especially designed to chill wine quickly.

3. Store the refrigerated wine ideally at a temperature of about 50 or 55 degrees F, with humidity between 70 and 80 percent. However, you don't need to be this specific unless you are storing a wine in order to age it or for long-term storage, in which case you should purchase a wine cooler designed for storage. When not aging the wine it just needs to be refrigerated at a temperature anywhere between 40 and 65 degrees F. Make sure the temperature does not change rapidly; no more than a slow change of 10 to 15 degrees over a period of a few months.

4. Cork any leftover wine after you have opened it. Make sure it is tightly sealed and put back into the refrigerator. When the cork is broken or thrown away you can tightly seal the bottle with plastic wrap and a rubber band.

5. Keep the opened wine between 3 and 5 days. Any longer and the taste is compromised. Tightly re-cork it every time the wine is opened.

Tags: best store, Make sure, white wine, wine opened