Friday, July 5, 2013

Traditional British Food

The British are not known for their cuisine. British food has a heavy, bland quality associated with it, as it centers around basic staples such as meat and potatoes. Despite its lack of spiciness or tang, however, it remains good, solid food, and traditional British meals have a way of sticking to the ribs that foods from other countries don't.

Warm Foods

Because the British climate is often cold and rainy, British food is often served hot. Gravy, breaded foods and roasted meats often act as comfort food that can stave off the chills.


Many traditional British foods combine meats, potatoes, gravy and other vegetables into a single dish. Shepherd's pie, bangers and mash, and toad-in-the-hole are variations of these staples.

Fish and Chips

The perennial traditional British meal is fish and chips, fish from the waters surrounding the island deep fried and served alongside French fried potatoes. Fish and chips is traditionally served with malted vinegar.

Sunday Dinner

The British Sunday dinner traditionally consists of roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and some form of vegetable. Yorkshire pudding isn't actually pudding, but a type of breaded batter served with sauce or gravy.


British breakfasts apply similar "heavy food" principles: eggs, fried meat, baked beans and mushrooms predominate.

Tags: British food, served with, traditional British, Yorkshire pudding