Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Plant A Peach Seed From The Grocery Store

It is possible to grow a peach tree from your peach pit.

If you have ever wondered if you can grow a peach tree from the seed or pit of a peach you bought at the grocery store, the answer is yes. However, don't expect the same type of peach from the new tree. Peach pits do not grow into trees that are identical to the parent trees. Since peach trees are difficult to grow from seeds, plant several pits in the hopes that at least one will be successful.


1. Clean the pits. Simply run them under water to wash off most of the peach and sugars.

2. Wrap each pit individually inside a couple moist paper towels and place them all in a sealed plastic storage bag.

3. Place the bag in the refrigerator for three months during the winter.

4. Plant the peach pits in a sunny area in the spring, about 4 inches deep and 4 inches apart. You can later thin them out if too many sprout and are too close together.

5. Water the area with a 1/2 inch of water and water the pits every week or so for the first growing season.

Tags: grow peach, grow peach tree, peach tree, peach tree from, tree from