Monday, February 25, 2013

The Benefits Of Monavie Juice

An acai-based juice, MonaVie is juice blend of 19 fruits. Containing superior antioxidant levels and other beneficial nutrients, drinking MonaVie is reputed to offer many potential health benefits to the consumer.

About MonaVie

MonaVie's manufacturers would prefer to keep their special blend a secret. Information about MonaVie juice only addresses its main ingredient, the Brazilian acai berry. MonaVie uses a patent-pending form of freeze-dried acai in their juice, which allows the full benefits of the acai berry to be enjoyed.

MonaVie is only sold online or through certified MonaVie distributors.


The nutrients cited by MonaVie makers are all in reference to those contained within the freeze-dried acai capsules. Containing vitamins B1, B2, B3, E, C and potassium, MonaVie also contains minerals such as phosphorous and calcium. Substantial amounts of fiber and amino acid proteins such as HGH, which is vital to hormone production, are also present in MonaVie juice.

MonaVie and Joint Health

There are a few options to choose from in MonaVie blends. One is called MonaVie active, and is intended for use by those who wish to have added benefits of improved joint function through the addition of glucosamine. A naturally occurring amino acid, glucosamine is often taken in supplement form to help relieve pain and stiffness in the joints of arthritis sufferers.

Antioxidant Power

As proven by an independent study conducted by Alexander Schauss and his team of researchers whose findings were published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry in September 2008, MonaVie contains the highest level of antioxidant capacity on a gram-for-gram basis of any fruit or vegetable ever tested. One gram of MonaVie has an antioxidant content equal to about 7 servings of fruit.

Antioxidants are measured for their potency by using what is called an ORAC score. MonaVie's high score of 3,800 is believed by researchers to be higher than any other, partially because MonaVie does not clarify or filter their product as most other juice manufacturers do. This allows more of the healthy fats that are found uniquely in acai fruit to be fully used for their antioxidant capacity.

Potential Benefits

The Food and Drug Administration monitors all health claims made by any food or drink manufacturer. Companies such as MonaVie are careful not to make any claims that cannot be backed by research. With that said, one could simply look at the list of nutrients as well as taking into consideration the specific type of antioxidants present in MonaVie juice to determine on their own what potential benefits may be experienced.

Specific antioxidants such as anthocyanins and flavonoids are found in acai. These are the same substances which are present in red wine, and have been studied for disease prevention.

It is widely accepted that antioxidants help prevent cellular damage by fighting free radicals that cause aging and a host of diseases. As MonaVie apparently contains the highest antioxidant value of all fruits, the full potential benefits that can be experienced from drinking MonaVie are most likely yet to be identified.

Tags: MonaVie juice, acai berry, amino acid, antioxidant capacity, contains highest, drinking MonaVie