Friday, February 8, 2013

Prevent Stretch Marks With Water

Many people experience the skin condition of stretch marks. This condition occurs when there is a breakdown in the middle layer of skin. This layer is called the "Dermis". Stretch marks occur when this area of the skin experiences consistent pulling, tugging, and stretching. As a result, the Dermis tears and leaves behind nasty little scars. These scars are called stretch marks.

Stretch marks can be seen on the outer layer of the skin, or the "Epidermis". These visible trails of skin damage do not cause physical pain; however, many individuals suffer the emotional affects of the scars. Early in development, stretch marks are usually very noticeable by the bright colors they display. Over time, these bright marks will dull and become less noticeable.

Here, you will learn a great deal about prevent stretch marks with water. Many people simply overlook the pure and simple power of water when it comes to stretch mark prevention. Now, you can harness this powerful secret for yourself!


1. When researching prevent stretch marks with water, the first thing that you must take into consideration is the power of water. As children, the first element on the periodic table that we learned about was water. Yes, you remember...H2O. Your teachers, parents, and other relatives taught you that you should drink "at least 8 glasses of water a day" to be healthy.

You learned that the Earth was made up of mostly water, our bodies are mostly water, and that all living things require water to live. You learned that water is used in cooking, cleaning, bathing, and even in many exciting outdoor sports, such as swimming and skiing. The importance of water has been reinforced to us time and time again. It is important to have an appreciation for water and all the benefits that go along with this substance.

As you learn about prevent stretch marks with water, you must continue to have an appreciation for this substance. You must know and understand that water is the foundation of life, and that it helps our bodies maintain a healthy balance so that it may function appropriately.

2. It has been determined that stretch marks can be prevented by ensuring that we are properly hydrated. In order to remain properly hydrated, you must be certain to consume large amounts of water on a daily basis. While many medical professionals state that we should consume the "8 glasses a day", many other professionals are now starting to say that it is important to consume at least "10 to 12 glasses a day". If you are looking to prevent stretch marks with water, you should encourage yourself to follow the advice of those that suggest consuming more water on a daily basis.

3. If you are pregnant, notice a few pounds adding on your overall weight, or engage in activities that increase your overall size, you should be concerned about stretch marks. These little scars are normally a result of pregnancy, and rapid weight gain. If you are a teenager, you should also take the fact that you could develop stretch marks into consideration. Teens often have "unannounced" growth spurts that can result in the onset of stretch marks.

By knowing whether or not you are a candidate for stretch marks, you will be able to take the necessary steps to prevent these skin scars. The first step that you can take is ensuring that you are consuming enough water to keep the body properly hydrated. If you fail to do so, and the body dehydrates in any manner whatsoever, you may find those nasty little stretch marks sneaking up on you rather quickly.

4. In addition to preventing stretch marks with water, it is equally important to ensure that you do not consume items that may actually cause you to become dehydrated. One of the biggest culprits of dehydration is the consumption of products that contain caffeine. Caffeine is often contained in products like teas, different types of coffees, as well as sodas. In addition to being a large culprit to dehydration, caffeine has been determined to be one of the leading causes when it comes to the development of stretch marks.

5. When your body is properly hydrated, the skin is able to quickly and effectively repair any damage that it is experiences. In addition to this, the skin is able to retain its elasticity and remain soft and moisturized. This is why it is possible to prevent stretch marks with water. However, if the body is dehydrated, then the skin will also become dehydrated. When this occurs, it is easy for the skin to stretch and break.

6. The next way that you can prevent stretch marks with water is to select skin creams that have large amounts of water in them. You should then use these creams on areas that are prone to stretch marks. These areas normally include the abdomen, legs, arms, and back. The moisture from the water contained in the lotion will work deep within the skin to ensure that it is properly hydrated on the outside. In conjunction with consuming large amounts of water, your body will be properly hydrated from each and every single angle!

Tags: stretch marks, prevent stretch, properly hydrated, stretch marks, stretch marks with