Monday, February 4, 2013

Fun Facts On Skippy Peanut Butter

Americans eat more peanut butter than any other people in the world. Skippy is a long-established, well-known American brand that was debuted in 1933. It was first produced by the Rosefield Packing Company in Alameda, California, according to the Skippy website.

A Favorite Food

American consumption of peanut butter totals about 500 million lbs. a year, or about 3 lbs. per person--"enough to cover the floor of the Grand Canyon," according to Skippy. That's enough to make more than 10 billion peanut butter sandwiches.


Consumers buy more Skippy than any other brand of peanut butter in the world. They buy almost 90 million jars a year. Interestingly, it takes 772 peanuts to make an average 16.3 oz. jar of Skippy peanut butter.


Arachibutyrophobia ... what's that? Why, it's the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth! Since more than 75 percent of American families bought peanut butter last year, arachibutyrophobia doesn't seem to be a very common problem in the U.S.

Tags: peanut butter, according Skippy, more than, peanut butter, than other