Friday, September 23, 2011

Is Yogurt Healthy

Yogurt is a delicious snack, and it's also packed with important vitamins and live bacteria to help with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Yogurt is a dairy product, which is derived from milk. Bacteria cultures are added to milk, which creates a thicker texture and a healthy food. Yogurt can be healthy when choosing low-fat varieties that contain the right bacteria.

Yogurt and "Good Bacteria"

According to the Mayo Clinic, yogurt that contains good bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria can promote better intestinal health. People who suffer from IBS may also experience a decrease in symptoms, such as painful bloating and gas, when eating yogurt daily.

Vitamins in Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with important nutrients including calcium, iodine, vitamin B12, zinc, phosphorous and potassium. Yogurt is also a healthy source of protein.

Lower LDL Levels

According to "The Word's Healthiest Foods," consuming 3 oz. of yogurt daily can potentially reduce cholesterol levels. Add a cup of yogurt to your daily breakfast. Sprinkle your yogurt with a little bit of granola or fresh fruit for variety. Yogurt can also be blended with fresh or frozen fruit for a fresh vitamin-packed smoothie.

Immune System Benefits

Friendly bacteria in yogurt may also boost your immune system. The yogurt boosts the cellar immunity's deference, which is responsible for protecting our body against yeast infections and viruses.

Choosing a Healthy Yogurt

According to Yale-New Haven Hospital's dietary adviser, taking advantage of yogurt's health benefits can be tricky. Make sure to choose a yogurt that is low in fat and calories. Also, make sure labels promote live or active cultures. This will ensure that yogurt contains the "good bacteria" that is responsible for health benefits. Choose a product that isn't close to expiration. The closer the product gets to its expiration date, the less bacteria and health benefits that it has.

Tags: health benefits, contains good, contains good bacteria, good bacteria, packed with, packed with important