Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Best Way To Shell Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are both nutritious and tasty. They contain high levels of selenium, a trace mineral that acts as an antioxidant that fights cancer-causing, cell-damaging free radicals. They boost immunity and contain omega-6 fatty acids that helps skin radiance. The best way to shell a Brazil nut depends on the tools you have for performing the task.

Use Your Head

No, don't hit your head against the nut. It might work, but we don't want to get sued. Using your head means asking yourself, "What appliance have I got here so I don't have to buy a nutcracker or a special press?"

You're safe and will be able to enjoy your nut if you have water plus one of the following: microwave oven, stove, hammer, jacknife, knife, universal pliers, kitchen wooden board, or ultimately, one of your house's doors.

Water Plus Imagination

If you let Brazil nuts rest in water over night, the task will be much easier. However, if you're here reading these hints, it means you want to shell it now. Therefore, you might find it useful to heat a small portion of water along with a dozen nuts in the microwave for about two to three minutes. This makes the shelling process much easier regardless of the chosen tool. After this process, hit the top of the nut with any sort of tool and use your fingers to peel the nut after you make the crack on it.

Plan B

If you don't have a microwave or a stove, then you can use a hammer without heating water. Do not use too much force, as it will prove counterproductive. Use a napkin below the nut during the hammering. This helps it from sliding on the surface. If there is no hammer available, you might be desperate enough to think of using the area between your door and its knocker. You can carefully place the nut close to a hinge and move the door so you can smash the nut. Advice: In all scenarios, while using punch-like tools such as a door, beware of your fingers.

Tags: Brazil nuts, much easier, your fingers, your head