Friday, August 26, 2011

Process Ginger

If you're lucky enough to be able to grow your own ginger plants, it's possible to process the ginger for your own use. Ginger needs to be harvested at just the right time to get the most out of the flavor.


1. Pick fresh ginger that's about 8 or 9 months old. Ginger rhizomes, or stems younger than that are considered immature and are best for use as fresh ginger.

2. Remove the leaves and roots, and wash the ginger rhizome. Rhizomes must be killed, or stopped from growing, to dry properly. To "kill" the rhizome either peel, scrape or slice it up.

3. Soak for 3 hours in clean water, then soak in a solution of 2% lime (calcium oxide) for 6 hours to get a lighter colored ginger rhizome. If it isn't soaked, it's a much darker color.

4. Dry the pieces of ginger on a clean surface in a lot of sunlight until they reach a moisture level below 10%. Drying takes 1 to 2 weeks, and the ginger rhizome should lose 60 to 70% of its weight.

5. Clean dirt, skin or insects from the ginger rhizomes after drying. Use a soft brush or air hose to get any stuck on dirt off.

6. Store the dried ginger in an airtight container that prevents moisture from getting into the container.

Tags: ginger rhizome, fresh ginger