Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Serve An Omelette Variation

A basic omelette recipe can be transformed into something as simple or as fancy as you wish. Ingredients can be changed according to your mood, or what you have on hand. The omelette can be served open-faced, folded-over or rolled like a burrito. Fillings and garnish can dress up this egg dish with color and textures.


Open-faced Omelette

1. Lift the edges of your omelette with a spatula to ensure that the egg is cooked through. A flat omelette is often thicker than a folded omelette so be sure the egg mixture on the top has been completely cooked.

2. Use your spatula to gently slide the omelette out of the pan and onto your plate.

3. Add your prepared filling on top. This omelette is served up much like a pizza, with the ingredients on top stealing the show.

4. Garnish with cheese, sour cream or extra vegetables.

Folded Omelette

5. Slide omelette out of pan and onto your plate as you would for a flat omelette, ensuring that the egg mixture is cooked through.

6. Make a crease slightly off-center to help fold over the omelette.

7. Add your prepared filling on the larger half of the omelette. Arrange the filling so that it will be visible once the omelette is folder over.

8. Fold the smaller half of the omelette over the larger half. Garnish the top of the omelette with cheese, julienne strips of vegetables or sour cream.

Rolled Omelette

9. Leave the omelette in the pan. A rolled-up omelette should be thinner than a flat or folded over one so that it will stay rolled.

10. Add your filling, but less of it than you would for on open-faced or folded-over omelette.

11. Tilt the pan away from you and use your spatula to lift the top third of the omelette and fold it over toward the middle.

12. Angle the pan even more to slide the unfolded side of the omelette onto your plate. Fold over the already folded portion of the omelette over to form a neat oval with the seam side down.

13. Straighten the edges of your omelette and add garnish.