Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Choose A White Bordeaux

With an impeccable reputation and long history it is difficult to find bad White Bordeaux. These wines originate in the Bordeaux region of France, one of the most popular wine-producing regions in the world. White Bordeaux isn't as stuffy as its name may suggest, as you will discover on your journey to choosing the perfect White Bordeaux.


1. Read all about it. Find a book dedicated to White Bordeaux to get the most comprehensive and complete information. Try the wine exchange website; it has books on thousands of wines.

2. Understand the many facets of White Bordeaux flavors. This wine can be sweet, dry, oaky or herbaceous.

3. Educate yourself on appellations. The Bordeaux wine-growing region in France has six different appellations. Grapes grown in the different regions will produce White Bordeaux with different flavors.

4. Know why age is important. The aging and fermentation process of White Bordeaux greatly affects its flavors and aromas. Older vintages will have more bold flavors, while younger vintages will be lighter-bodied in flavor and aroma.

5. Know the full potential of a White Bordeaux. This wine should be chilled around 45 degrees. This is slightly cooler than other white wines. Serving at this temperature will allow you to appreciate the wine's full flavors and aromas.

Tags: White Bordeaux, flavors aromas, region France, This wine, vintages will