Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Make A Birthday Flower Cake

Birthday cakes are always challenging. After you start there is no turning back and there are no exchanges on self-decorated birthday cakes because they're usually made the day of the event. In order to make the perfect birthday flower cake you will want to follow these easy directions --- they are easy to implement and will take the stress levels to new lows. It's fun, it's simple and it will be sure to be a hit with the birthday recipient, who will appreciate the time and effort you took to make the day so special.


Make a Birthday Flower Cake

1. Start with the mix.

Do you want to make the cake from scratch or use a cake mix from the store? After you make a decision on this first important issue, then proceed to pour your batter into a well greased and floured cupcake pan. Fill the cups 2/3 full, and then bake as directed. Feel free to use more than one flavor.

2. Arrange the flower petals.

After the cupcakes have cooled, remove them from the pan and arrange them on a large cake plate. Start with a single cupcake in the middle. Place six cupcakes in a circle, edges touching, around the center cupcake. In the gaps between the six cupcakes create a third circle by placing six more cupcakes here.

3. Create the flower stem and leaves.

This is simple to do by cutting cupcakes in half. For the stem, place one half in a petal gap at the bottom of your cupcake arrangement. Place another half almost below it by allowing the top of the second half and the bottom of the first half to touch. Repeat this with one to two more cupcake halves, depending on the size of your cake plate. To make the leaves, simply put two or three cupcake halves along the stem at an angle.

4. Choose your color pallet.

Decide if you're going to go with pastels, primary colors or varying hues of just one color. Then mix your frosting colors accordingly. Remember, flowers come in many different colors so have fun with your cake. Remember to frost generously.

5. Decide where to place the birthday candles.

If you are using number candles you can place them in the center with ease. If the cake is for a young child you can even place up to five small birthday candles on the center cupcake. Otherwise try placing a candle on every cupcake.

Tags: birthday candles, cake from, cake plate, center cupcake, cupcake halves