Friday, September 13, 2013

Make Really Easy Vegetable Pasta

A friend of mine stopped by one night when I had made a simple asparagus pasta and was so impressed she asked for the recipe. This is a super easy pasta dish that you can whip together after work with vegetables you have in the fridge.


1. Prep your vegetables. You'll want to cut whatever veggies you are using into about 1 inch pieces. Not too small that they will get mushy, but small enough to eat without having to use a knife.

2. Boil water in a large pot for the pasta. Also boil water in another saucepan for steaming the vegetables.

3. Once the pasta water is boiling, add some salt. Then add your pasta. Consult the pasta box for the amount of time you should boil the pasta. I usually boil it for a minute or two less to ensure it stays al dente.

4. Since the pasta has started, you can cook the vegetables. Put them in a steamer. If you don't have one you can put them directly in the saucepan (in an inch or so of water). Cook them for 5 minutes or less depending on how crunchy you like them. If you are including tomatoes, I would throw them in at the end for a few seconds.

5. Once the pasta and vegetables are done, drain them both and combine in a serving bowl.

6. Spoon out portions of your dish into pasta bowls. Grate fresh parmesan cheese on top of each dish. Put some extra grated cheese on the table.

Tags: Once pasta