Thursday, November 15, 2012

Test For Pure Honey

Honey is also an energy booster.

Honey is one of the oldest foods on record. Honey has been used for eating, medicine and beauty products for thousands of years. The Bible mentions honey frequently, as do the holy books of all the world's major religions. Pure honey is honey that has not been pasteurized or heated; so it still contains all the original nutrients. You can tell the difference between pure honey and regular honey by testing it.


1. Dip the wick of a candle into the honey. The candle shouldn't be dripping in honey, but the wick should be covered.

2. Light a match.

3. Hold the flame to the candlewick and try to light it. If the wick takes light, there are no impurities in the honey preventing the candle from lighting. Try the next test if you are unsure of the results from the flame test.

4. Fill a tall clear glass with regular tap water and set it down on a table. You will need to be able to see inside the glass, so work in a well lit area.

5. Hold a spoon of honey above the glass and slowly pour the honey into the water.

6. Watch the honey in the glass for signs of being dissolved. If the honey is quickly and easily dissolved, the honey is not pure. The longer it takes to dissolve, the purer the honey is.

Tags: dissolved honey