Friday, November 30, 2012

Use An Egg Topper

It is great to wake up on a Sunday morning and have a 4-star breakfast of soft-boiled eggs, toast and fresh squeezed orange juice. But if you've ever tried to crack a soft boiled egg, you know the challenges you face. Too often that egg runs all over your toast, so follow a few tips to use an egg topper and avoid all of those runny egg problems.


1. Wash your egg topper thoroughly. There are a couple of different popular models, but whichever you are using, start by washing the egg topper well. Otherwise you run the risk of bacteria growth from the soft boiled egg.

2. Soft boil your egg. Consult specific recipes to soft boil, but essentially the goal is to place your eggs in a saucepan and add just enough water to cover them, then bring the water to a boil for about 4 minutes and remove the eggs gently.

3. Place your egg in an egg holder vertically. These can be purchased at most discount or even kitchen specialty stores. They are usually called soft-boiled egg holders.

4. Lay the egg topper over the soft-boiled egg. Most egg toppers look like a pair of scissors intermixed with a jagged circle. As you squeeze the scissors, the jagged edge closes around the soft-boiled egg and removes the top. Discard the top of the eggshell.

5. Use the alternate popular egg topper model. This is a higher-end egg topper that looks like a long tube with a handle at the top (almost like a small air pump.) Place the egg topper on the top of the shell, press down on the handle (this will grasp the top of the shell) and pull back on the handle to remove the top of the shell.

Tags: soft boiled