Thursday, November 1, 2012

Make A Roast In An Electric Fry Pan

You can use an electric skillet or fry pan for much more than simply frying foods. An electric fry pan is an all-in-one appliance that you can use for making one-dish meals, soups, stews and for roasting meats. An electric fry pan is the right size for cooking a small roast that will serve two people. By cooking the roast in the electric skillet, you will save energy and not heat up the whole kitchen for the meal.


1. Place two tablespoons of cooking oil in the electric fry pan. Turn the thermostat of the skillet to 350 degrees and allow the oil to heat.

2. Season the roast with salt, pepper or any seasonings you desire. Place the roast in the skillet and brown on both sides.

3. Add one cup of beef broth or water to the electric fry pan and cover. Turn the heat down to 225 degrees and let the roast simmer for one hour.

4. Remove the lid and surround the roast with the quartered potatoes, the chopped carrots and the onion. Place the lid back on the skillet.

5. Cook for an additional hour. Remove the lid from the electric fry pan. The meat and vegetables should be fork-tender. If desired, test the meat for doneness with a meat thermometer. A rare roast will read internally at 145 degrees, a medium roast 160 degrees and a well-done roast 170 degrees.

Tags: electric skillet, hour Remove, roast degrees, roast with