Friday, November 11, 2011

Nosalt Diet Recipes

Many people don't realize just how much salt they consume on a daily basis. Salt already comes in your groceries before cooking; cheese and bread are good examples of pre-salted foods. Ingesting too much salt can raise your blood pressure and crush your weight loss efforts. Keeping salt in your body helps you retain water, which is not ideal if you're cutting down your figure. Some recipes can cut down or eliminated salt from your diet.

Smart Snacks and Sides

Fruits and salt free nuts are good salt-free options to keep you energized. Foods that don't have salt in them don't have to be flavorless. Fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas and squash have no salt and make flavorful snacks. Try adding fruit and yogurt in place of your salty snacks, or try a baked potato with chives and sodium free vegetable margarine with dinner.

No-Salt Salad Dressing

Salt free salads don't have to taste bland. Garlic oil and olive oil make a great starting base for a salt-free salad dressing. Add ¾ cup of garlic or olive oil to ¼ cup of white or red wine vinegar. Whisk well and add a salt-free seasoning of your choice. Fresh basil is also a good choice. Pour the dressing over a green salad and enjoy. Steamed fish can also be added, but no salt or butter.

Salt Free Chili with Meat

Meat dishes without the salt can still be flavorful with the right ingredients. Chop 3 whole onions, 1 bell pepper, and 2 cloves of garlic. Saute the green pepper and onions in a deep skillet for 3 minutes. Add the garlic cloves and stir with a wooden utensil for a moment to prevent burning. Add a pound of ground meat, 1 to 2 tsp. of ground mild red chile and 1 tsp. each of ground cumin and oregano. Break up the meat with a fork or spatula to prevent lumps and add in four cups of diced tomatoes and one tbsp. of vinegar. Add a half a tsp. each of pepper and chile caribe and let skillet simmer with a bay leaf on low heat for 1 hour.

Salt Free Breakfast Omelet and Fruit

A breakfast omelet may be the last thing that comes to mind when you think of salt-free foods, but it is possible. To create your omelet, whisk together 3 egg whites, pour into a plastic ziplock bag and toss in a bay leaf and a diced green pepper. Shake the bag well and then place a drop of olive oil into a heated skillet. Pour the bag into the skillet. Flip the omelet once the edges are cooked and slightly raised from the pan. Finish your breakfast with a piece of fruit and tall glass of water

Tags: green pepper, have salt, much salt