Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Take Corn Off Of The Cob

Corn on the cob, is one of the most traditional dishes in the south, a favorite of carnivores and vegetarians alike. There is much debate on the best way to cook it, some say the oven, some say the grill, and others argue in favor of boiling it. However one of the easiest and tastiest ways to eat it is actually to cook it off the cob. This might seem like blasphemy but the nice roasted taste you get is hard to beat.


1. Remove the husks from the ears of corn. Grab the hairs from in-between the kernels and wash the now naked ears of corn.

2. Grab your sharp knife in one hand and place the ear of corn vertically on your cutting surface. This can be anything from a cutting board to the appropriate serving platter for the side dish. You want to place the flatter side of the corn on your surface, leaving the pointed end sticking up.

3. Cut into one side of the cob, and using a gentle sawing motion try to get as big of a kernel as you can with out gouging into the hardened center of the vegetable.

4. Repeat with the other three sides, this should result in a squared off look to the de-kerneled cob.

5. Heat up the skillet to a medium high setting. If you wish you may add a little bit of oil, or if you are not a vegetarian, bacon fat; however neither is required.

6. Dump in the cut kernels from the cob, and using a spatula stir them regularly. This is important as the high heat will brown the kernels quite easily, bringing forth the roasted flavor that is desired. You may also add seasonings or perhaps some roasted garlic at this stage if you wish.

7. Turn down the heat from its high setting when a majority of the kernels get a nice caramel color. If you want your kernels a little softer add a bit of water and simmer them until the texture is to your liking, other wise you can remove them from your cooking skillet and serve your tasty vegetarian side dish.

Tags: corn Grab, ears corn, ears corn Grab, high setting, side dish