Thursday, August 13, 2009

Homemade Chemical Peel

Pomegranate seeds contain the powerful antioxidant ellagic acid.

Chemical peels are popular treatments for the reduction of scars, wrinkles and clogged pores. According to the American Association of Family Physicians, chemical peels can even be used to treat melasma--dark patches of skin caused by sun damage or hormone fluctuations. Most chemical peels contain harsh chemicals such as glycolic and salicylic acid, while homemade chemical peels make use of the natural acids found in fruits, vegetables and dairy products to gently exfoliate the skin.


1. Blend together the pomegranate seeds, lemon juice and manuka honey, which is an antibacterial honey available from wholefood or organic stores, in a mixing bowl using a stick blender until smooth.

2. Drape a warm flannel over your face for 30 seconds to open the pores.

3. Swirl the face mask brush into the chemical peel mixture. Scoop a small amount onto the bristles and apply it to your skin in a sweeping motion. Start at your forehead and work your way down until your entire face, apart from the eye area and the lips, is covered with a thin layer of the mixture.

4. Leave the peel to work for 10 minutes.

5. Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm or cold water to remove all traces of the peel, and pat your face dry with a towel.

Tags: chemical peels, your face