Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Make Penrose Sausage

Make Penrose Sausage

The earliest recorded pickled sausage recipe dates back to about 1888 and comes to us from a pub owner in London who decided to sell the tasty morsels as an attraction to get more custom. Penrose sausages are a brand of pickled sausages made by the Penrose Company which discontinued selling jarred meats in 2009 due to the high costs. You can make a sausage very similar to Penrose pickled sausage in your own kitchen.


1. Cook 2 lbs. of kielbasa and slice it into thick pieces 2 inches wide. Place the cut sausages in sterile jars.

2. Place 1 cup of water, 3/4 of a cup of brown sugar, 3 cups of vinegar and 1 tsp. of crushed red pepper into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

3. Lower the heat and simmer the ingredients for five minutes. Pour the mixture over the sliced sausages, loosely seal the jars and refrigerate for at least two days.

4. Layer sterilized jars with 1/2 inch of sausages and 1/2 inch of sliced onion until the jars are filled to within 2 inches of the top.

5. Mix together 1/2 cup of white sugar and 3/4 of a cup of vinegar in the measuring cup. Add enough water to make the mixture an even 2 cups.

6. Stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dissolved. Pour the mixture into the jars with the onions and sausages and cover and refrigerate for at least two days.

Tags: jars with, least days, Make Penrose, Make Penrose Sausage, Penrose Sausage, pickled sausage, Pour mixture