Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cook Brussels Sprouts Perfectly

Get perfectly cooked Brussels sprouts by steaming them.

If you think you hate Brussels sprouts, it may be that the ones you've had were improperly cooked. For best results, steam your Brussels sprouts. This method reduces the cooking smell and minimizes the loss of nutrients, including vitamin C, according to Fruits & Veggies Matter. At the store, choose fresh Brussels sprouts that feel firm, don't smell too strongly and are green rather than yellow. Give this veggie another try using a simple preparation method that virtually guarantees a perfect Brussels sprout every time.


1. Place the steamer basket in the pot and fill with enough water to just reach the bottom of the steamer basket. Begin heating the water so that when you put the sprouts in the basket, the water is almost boiling.

2. Reduce the bitter taste by chopping off just the dark ends, leaving the sprout intact so the leaves don't fall off. Fruits & Veggies Matter also suggests cutting an X in the stem to help the heat penetrate the sprout.

3. Add the sprouts to the steamer basket, cover and cook over the highest heat setting for about 2 minutes, and then remove the lid for several seconds to release the odors and steam. Recover and continue cooking until fork tender, about 15 minutes.

Tags: steamer basket, about minutes, Brussels sprouts, Brussels sprouts, Brussels sprouts that, Fruits Veggies