Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cut A Fennel Bulb Into Matchsticks

Fennel bulbs with stalks

Many recipes call for a fennel bulb cut into matchstick, or julienne, slices. While this task can be performed using a kitchen mandolin or other slicing device, it is just as simple to accomplish using a sharp knife. Fennel ads a slight licorice taste to salads or other dishes and can be served raw or cooked. Look for fennel in your grocer's produce section or at farmer's markets during the summer season.


1. Cut both the stalk end and the root end from the fennel bulb using a sharp knife.

2. Peel away the outer layers of the bulb, much as you would the skin of an onion, until you reach the creamy white center of the bulb.

3. Cut the bulb in half, lengthways, from top to bottom.

4. Lay the bulb halves, cut side down, on your cutting board.

5. Cut the bulb halves into 1/8- to 1/16-inch slices, slicing from the top to the bottom of the bulb.

6. Lay the slices on their sides, flat, and cut each slice into 1/8- to 1/16-inches strips to create the matchsticks.

Tags: bottom bulb, bulb halves, fennel bulb, from bottom, from bottom bulb