Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Clean A Stainless Steel Neti Pot

Neti pots flush the nasal cavity with clean water, rinsing mucous and other debris (such as allergens) from this area. Neti pots are made from several kinds of materials, including ceramic, plastic and stainless steel. Cleaning a stainless steel neti pot is simple and takes little time. Rinse your neti pot after each use to avoid re-infecting yourself with germs. Clean your stainless steel neti pot thoroughly after using it, especially if you are ill.


1. Place the stainless steel neti pot in your kitchen sink. Fill the pot with hot water.

2. Add 1 tsp. of liquid antibacterial dishwashing soap or hand soap to the pot. Dampen a thin bottle brush--it should be thin enough to push inside of the spout.

3. Add a drop of antibacterial soap to the bottle brush. Push it into the spout and move it back and forth to clean off debris from the interior of the spout.

4. Brush the rest of the pot's interior. Dampen a clean sponge and scrub the outside of the pot, including the spout's exterior.

5. Pour the water out of the neti pot. Refill it and rinse it several times to remove traces of soap.

6. Dry the pot with clean, soft cloths. Place it upside down on a clean towel or in your dish rack.

Tags: stainless steel, stainless steel neti, steel neti, Neti pots, with clean