Thursday, August 1, 2013

Store Extra Canned Adobo Sauce

Jalapenos are dried and then canned in adobo sauce to create delicious chipotles.

Sweet, smoky and spicy, adobo sauce is used to coat chipotle peppers, or smoked jalapeno chilies. Often found canned in tins or jars, adobo sauce adds flavor to a variety of dishes. Common in Mexican and Central American cooking and cuisine, the sauce is a combination of vinegar, tomato sauce, spices and chilies. Using only the sauce in cooking imparts flavor, without the spicy bite of the chilies which may not sit well with some individuals. After opening the cans, excess adobo sauce can be safely and simply stored properly for future use.


1. Spoon the adobo sauce in to the ice cube tray. Fill each compartment 3/4 full with sauce, leaving empty space at the top to allow the sauce to expand as it freezes.

2. Place the ice cube tray in the freezer, on a flat surface.

3. Freeze the sauce for two to eight hours, or overnight.

4. Remove the tray from the freezer and flex it to remove the cubes.

5. Pour the cubes in to the large plastic bag. Push as much air out as you can and seal the bag.

6. Place the bag in the freezer. Use a cube each time a recipe calls for adobo sauce. The cubes will keep indefinitely due to the high spice content.

Tags: adobo sauce, adobo sauce, cube tray