Thursday, August 22, 2013

Spanish Holiday Foods

Chistmas in Spain would not be the same without almonds.

Greek, Roman, Celtic and Arabian occupiers have all influenced the cuisine of Spain, and their epicurean legacy is just as apparent during holidays as any other time of the year. This can be seen in the liberal use of almonds, almond paste, oranges and olive oil in many of the favorite foods and treats eaten during Spanish holidays.


According to Worldwide, Christmas in Spain would not be the same without Touron, a nougat candy made with almonds and honey. Touron is of Arabic origins, and authentic recipes use either ground almonds for soft (Jijona) touron or whole almonds for hard (Alicante) touron. Touron is traditionally served with ice cream and a chocolate sauce made from olive oil.


Spanish Epiphany bread, or Roscon de Reyes, is enjoyed on January 6 as part of the celebration of Three Kings Day. In Spain, it is traditional to open gifts on this day as it commemorates the Christian tradition of the wise men bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. Epiphany cake is flavored with brandy, orange flower water and orange zest and baked in the shape of crown. A small treasure, such as a silver coin or a bead, is hidden in the cake, and the person who finds the surprise is thought to be gifted with good luck for the coming year.


La Mona (meaning "the feminine" or "the feminine cake") is a chocolate delicacy that comes in a variety of shapes, most of which are intended to please children. It is decorated with either chocolate eggs or real eggs that have been hard boiled. A La Mona is a traditional Catalan gift that a godfather presents to his godchild on Easter Sunday.

Monas de Pascua (the feminine Easter cake) is very similar to La Monas, but it is found on the Valencia coast and in Catalonia. In addition, Monas de Pascua has a small surprise hidden inside of it.

All Saints Day

Foods enjoyed during All Saints Day are traditionally sweet treats. Almond cakes and roasted chestnuts are popular snacks during this hectic celebration, when people spend the day visiting and decorating the graves of their deceased relatives. Sweet potatoes, or "el boniatos," are a favorite food in Catalonia on this day. One especially unusual treat is "huesos de santo," or "bones of the saint," marzipan candies shaped like bones.

Tags: Monas Pascua, same without, Spain would, Spain would same, would same, would same without