Thursday, March 28, 2013

Prepare Manioc Root

Manioc root

Manioc root is a tuber indigenous to South America. In North America it is more commonly known as cassava root or tapioca, and in Latin America it is known as yucca. Manioc root is a miracle ingredient for those with celiac or gluten disease, as it can be used in a variety of ways, including as a baking flour. In Brazil, manioc root (mandioca) is eaten at its purest by simply boiling and salting. It is also used as a flour in a variety of cakes, breads and cookies. The preparation is simple, and the end product a nutritious delight.


Prepare the Manioc Root

1. Scrub the manioc tubers and peel like a potato.

2. Cut the clean pealed roots into 2-inch sections.

3. Soak the raw cut pieces in a bowl of cold water in the refrigerator overnight or up to one week before use.

Cook the Manioc Root

4. Place the cut manioc root in a heavy stove-top pot, cover with water, sprinkle with salt and bring to a boil.

5. Reduce heat and cover the pot. Simmer for 30-45 minutes or until the root is tender.

6. Drain the manioc, sprinkle with salt and butter (optional) and enjoy while still hot.

Tags: manioc root, Manioc root, Manioc Root, Prepare Manioc, Prepare Manioc Root, sprinkle with, sprinkle with salt