Monday, September 17, 2012

Make Savory Potatoes

Potatoes are a popular side dish for just about any meal. Breakfasts are accompanied by hash browns, lunches with french fries and dinner potato choices are endless. Potatoes give the body lots of carbohydrates for energy and help you feel full longer. Savory-style potatoes are good any time of day, as a dish or a snack. This recipe serves about four people. Increase or decrease the amount of potatoes as necessary.


1. Using a colander, shake all the moisture from your rinsed potatoes. Pat the potatoes dry with a clean kitchen towel to reduce excess moisture. This will keep your potatoes from popping as much when you cook them.

2. Heat the oil and butter, melting the butter in the skillet over medium to high heat.

3. Dump the potatoes into a large bowl. Sprinkle with the salt as you turn the potatoes with a large spoon. Toss the garlic and onion powder into the bowl with the potatoes. Sprinkle Old Bay seasoning over potatoes and continue turning.

4. Spoon the potatoes into the hot oil and butter mixture. Turn the temperature to medium. If necessary, turn on your overhead exhaust fan to keep your kitchen from becoming smoky.

5. Cook the potatoes on one side until they crisp nicely. This should take about three to four minutes. Turn them over with a spatula and cook them on the over side until they are crispy.

6. Remove the potatoes from the heat and drain on paper towels before serving. Crack some fresh ground pepper over the top before serving.

Tags: before serving, cook them, keep your, potatoes from, potatoes into