Monday, December 5, 2011

Make Ricotta Cheese

This ricotta recipe is one of the easier cheeses to make. The ingredients must be cooked slowly and carefully so that the ricotta cheese forms properly. Once the ricotta is made, it must be used in your lasagna or other recipes as soon as possible because it spoils easily.


1. Place six layers of cheesecloth into a colander. Put the colander into the sink to use later.

2. Pour one gallon of whole milk and one quart of buttermilk into a large, stainless steel saucepan. Turn the heat to high, then stir the mixture with a spatula or a slotted spoon.

3. Wait for the milk mixture to warm up to approximately 160 degrees F. Stop stirring so that the thick, white milk curds begin to form as clumps. Carefully scrape with a spatula the curds from the bottom of the saucepan to avoid sticking.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat after it reaches 175 degrees F. The curds should have separated from the whey, which is the thin liquid that resembles skim milk.

5. Drain the extra whey slowly into the cheesecloth-lined colander. Next, gently scoop the curds into the cheesecloth with a slotted spoon.

6. Pick up the sides of the cheesecloth to let the whey drain over the sink. Add some salt to the ricotta cheese for flavor.

7. Store the ricotta in glass or plastic containers, then refrigerate. Use the cheese within one week while it's fresh. Clean the pot, the utensils and your work area after you've completed the cheese making process.

Tags: ricotta cheese, slotted spoon, with spatula