Monday, February 21, 2011

Energy Foods Information

When looking for a quick energy boost, many people turn to energy drinks or candy. This is not a healthy option, and there are certain foods out there that are nutritious and sure to give that desired energy boost.

Energy Boost

A small breakfast that consists of carbohydrates and protein is a good way to start your day. If you need a quick boost, a sensible amount of coffee is OK, as is a snack of nuts or almonds. A diet that consists of grains, fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, legumes, seeds and nuts will keep you energized all day.

Office Energy

If you need to be mentally alert but lunch is not around the corner, there are certain foods that will help keep you on your game. A piece of fruit is your best bet, but a chunk of cheese also will do the trick.


While many people think that eating a lot of carbohydrates before working out is a good idea, it is not. It is best not to eat immediately before working out. If you must, though, a piece of fruit is your best option.


A small amount of solid chocolate is a healthful, energy-boosting choice. While this is true, it is important to remember that most candy bars do not contain chocolate alone, making them an unwise choice.


It also is important to remember that the best way to get the most energy out of your food is to keep everything in moderation. Too much of anything will lead to some sort of crash.

Tags: before working, certain foods, energy boost, fruit your, fruit your best