Monday, November 16, 2009

Cool Burns From Chili Peppers

Capsaicin is the ingredient in chili peppers that gives them their burn. Most of us have experienced that burning sensation that peppers can bring. It may bring tears to your eyes or make you feel short of breath. If you enjoy trying hot foods, it is handy to know cool the burn.


1. Handle peppers properly. If you are preparing a dish or picking up a pepper to eat, be careful what you touch. If any of the oil gets on your hands and you touch your skin or eyes, they will burn. Wash your hands with soap and water after handling peppers.

2. Look for something with fat in it to cool the burn of capsaicin in your mouth. Capsaicin bonds with fats. Eating foods such as cream, yogurt or milk can help lessen the burn.

3. Eat something else. This lessens the burn of the chili peppers. Filling your mouth with other foods helps dilute the capsaicin and lessens the pain.

4. Listen to old wives' tales on stop the burn of a chili pepper. Cucumber, salt, honey or bread are all said to help cool the burn. When your mouth is burning from a chili, any of these remedies may help ease the burn.

5. Try ice. It can temporarily numb the effected area. Ice or cold drinks may be what you need to chill the burn.

6. Wait it out. When all else fails and your mouth is still on fire, know that it will eventually fade. The effects of capsaicin should fade in 10 to 20 minutes.

Tags: your mouth, cool burn, burn chili, chili peppers, your hands