Monday, November 9, 2009

Homemade Sachet Mix

Using a sachet gives the chef more control over the seasoning of stock.

An essential ingredient for many soups, gravies and sauces is flavorful stock, made by simmering bones, meat and seasonings. A sachet, which is a cheesecloth bag stuffed with a mixture of herbs and spices, is used to season stock. It allows the chef to remove the sachet after imparting a desired amount of flavor to the stock. A sachet comprised only of herbs, such as bay leaf, celery leaves, thyme and parsley, is called a bouquet garni. When making your own sachet, vary the selection of herbs and spices to create your own flavors.


1. Lay the cheesecloth square on a flat surface.

2. Place the parsley, bay leaf, celery leaf, thyme and peppercorns in the center of the square.

3. Draw up the corners of the cheesecloth to create a pouch, and tie the top of the pouch together with the twine. Completely encase the herbs and spices in the cheesecloth, so they won't float out of the cloth and into the stock. Leave a long piece of twine attached to the cloth pouch, about 6 or 7 inches.

Tags: herbs spices, leaf celery