Thursday, October 1, 2009

What Is In Moussaka

What Is in Moussaka?

Moussaka refers to a traditional eggplant-based dish that comes out of the Middle East and Mediterranean. It can be prepared in a number of ways as each country in the region has its own style of moussaka. However, each recipe has the same basic ingredients, which are eggplant, ground meat and an array of vegetables. These usually consist of tomatoes, onions and some kind of pepper. Moussaka is a dish that is served hot.


This dish comes out of the Middle East and Balkan regions of the world. In particular, it is closely associated with Greek and Turkish food, though other countries in the region serve it as a traditional dish and have their own spin on the recipe. Other than Greece and Turkey, some of the countries that serve moussaka are Bosnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania. The geographical region that moussaka comes from greatly affects the way it is made and, in some cases, the ingredients.


The type of moussaka prepared varies depending on the region in which it is being made. Greek moussaka is a dish that combines layers of eggplant and tomato with ground lamb or red meat. It is topped with a white sauce, then baked and served with vegetables. The Turkish version is eggplant with ground meat sautéed with onions, peppers and tomatoes. One type of moussaka is served cold in Arab countries. It is more of a salad that is composed of the traditional ingredients found in other moussaka recipes.


To understand the features of moussaka, considered the layered Greek version, which is the most widely replicated recipe. In this dish, there is a bottom layer of eggplant that has been sliced or diced and sautéed with olive oil. The layer over this is ground lamb or sometimes red meat mixed with a number of spices, such as cinnamon, salt and black pepper as well as herbs that include bay leaf and thyme. The white sauce on top of the dish is made of egg and has a cheese flavoring.


The exact history and origin of moussaka is still unknown, but there is some speculation that it was derived in the 1200s from a similar dish known as maghmuma. The Greeks made the dish when eggplant was introduced into their culture by the Arabs. Though the Arab plant was the influence for the dish, Arabs consider moussaka to be a Greek dish in origin. As the casserole began to be tasted by travelers from nearby countries, it was replicated in various ways using the same ingredients, which led to the varieties of the dish that exist today.


Moussaka is a traditional food from Greece and Turkey and therefore plays a significant role in each of the countries' cultures. It is eaten prevalently in Baltic and Middle Eastern areas and shows the influence that Greece and Turkey have in those areas. Because it has been passed along to other parts of the world as well, it is a testament to the strength and impact other nations can have on foreign cultures just by way of their cuisine.

Tags: dish that, Greece Turkey, comes Middle, comes Middle East, ground lamb